Under the Koppen Climate Classification, the weather of Aurangabad is characterized as semiarid climate and normally the city enjoys a well balanced temperature with a tint of moderate humidity. The seasonal cycle of Aurangabad features the three basic seasons; summer, monsoon and winter. The average annual temperature of Aurangabad normally ranges between 9°c and 40°c.

Summer: in Aurangabad extends from March to early June. May happens to be the hottest month of the year. The average temperature of a summer day in Aurangabad extends from 37°c to 21°c and the highest ever recorded temperature of Aurangabad is 46°c. Generally tourists tend to avoid the scorching summer months of April and May for outing and other tourism activities at Aurangabad. Celsius

Monsoons : sets in during the month of mid or late June and drenches the region with Moderate to heavy rains till September. These showers grant a true relief from the sweltering heat of summer and render the entire terrain exceptionally beautiful. The average annual rainfall of Aurangabad is reported to be 725 mille meter.

Winter: extends from November to February when the entire ambience turns especially pleasant and salubrious. The lowest ever recorded temperature of winter in Aurangabad happens to be as low as 2°c. Generally the temperature of Aurangabad hovers around 10°c in winter and at times the district also experiences freezing cold waves.

The climate is mostly dry and agreeable from October to March. April and May are the hottest months of the year and tourists are advised to carry cotton clothes, sunglasses, water and such other heat canopies along. June to September is the rainy season which is highly admired by those who love the invigorating drizzle of monsoon. The most ideal time period for tourism activities in Aurangabad extends from October to March.

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